It's somewhat surreal moving into a house that is partially furnished. In a way, that prevents it from feeling like my own. But at the same time I already feel comfortable lounging on a chair, or browsing the pantry looking for a snack. It's already a bit messy (thought part of that is we're still figuring out where to put things) and already has it's first bouquet of "I'm sorry" flowers-- Minnesota grown, of course.
Slowly bits of ourselves appear, reminding of our old living spaces. Today I finally hung all my posters, but still my floor is strewn with more things longing for a place-- I have yet to loft my bed for storage space. There are posters in the living room that speak of sustainability, others of art exhibitions. Decorated computers on tables and a cast iron pan in the kitchen receiving a treatment.
It rained for the first time since I've been her last night. Even though the roof has a stone covering, it's made of metal, so each drop was a little louder than I'm used to. I guess it reminded me of camp, so the house now feels a little more familiar.
Next week I'll be starting my internship with District 7. I'm going to be working on a project of renovating vacant houses to make them more sustainable. Sound a bit familiar? It's a bit of an EcoHouse expansion project. Most of my job will be research based but I'll also attend meetings.
There's always more unpacking to do so I'll sign off now. Tomorrow is going to be a LONG day...
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